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Low loss coaxial cable

Low Loss cable

Compared to RG cables, low loss cables are characterised by lower attenuation for higher frequencies. This property is largely determined by the special mechanical structure, because in contrast to RG cables, a dielectric foamed with air is used here.
This separating layer between the inner conductor and outer conductor is decisive for the lower attenuation. As air acts as a perfect dielectric, the foamed PE with its small air pockets comes very close to the ideal insulator.
The major disadvantage of this type of insulation is its low voltage stability and the fact that even the smallest inclusions of moisture must be avoided at all costs, as otherwise the positive insulation properties are lost again.

When are RG cables used?

RG cables are particularly durable and resistant to external mechanical influences thanks to their solid construction.

Stranded or solid inner conductor?

A stranded inner conductor is one that consists not just of a single conductor (solid), but of many individual strands. These are much more flexible and therefore allow a smaller bending radius, which makes the area of application more flexible in the truest sense of the word.

If your application requires low attenuation, we recommend checking whether it is possible to use a low loss cable. These are also available with different, robust sheaths such as PE, FEP or PUR.

You can find out more about the different materials in our glossary. 

Low loss cables in our range can be found here:

CLF100 | LMR 100 | SS405 | Multiflex 141 | SS402 | Enviroflex 142LL142H-155 PE | H-155 FRNC | H-155 PVC | HyperFlex 5 | CLF195 | CLF200 | CLF240 | LMR 195 | LMR 195 UF | HF 195 ZH | LMR 200 | LMR 240 | LMR 240 UF | RF 240 LSNH | HF 240 LSNH | Airborne 5 | Aircell 5 | S_04212_B PUR | S_04272_B PE | SPUMA_240-FR-01 | Aircell 7 | arnoflex 7 | HIGHFLEXX 7 | LMR 400® | LMR 400 UF® | HyperFlex 10 | Ecoflex 10 | Ecoflex 10 Plus | Ecoflex 15 | Ecoflex 15 plus | LMR 600 | LMR 600 FR |


RG cables with 50R in our range can be found here:

RG178 | RG196 A/U | RGL196 LowNoise | RG174 A/U | RG174 LSNH | RG188 A/U | RG316 /C | RG316 /U | RGL316 LowNoise | RG316D – RD316 | RG402 | RG58 | RG058 | RG58 LSNH | RG58 PUR | RG142 | RG223 | RG223 U-02 | RG 400RG213 /U | RG214 /U | RG214 LSNH